How to Start Web Host company - ask2talk

Wednesday 22 October 2014

If you are beginner or do not have sound technical knowledge of server and administration, then do not opt for self host plan. . Web servers are faster than ever, prices are down, and the majority of internet sites uses, such a small portion of a web server's resources that a large number of web sites can be hosted by a single server without any negative side effects.
However, if you still want to host yourself, you should first see if you meet any or all of the following requirements:
  • You are technologically savvy individual.
  • Understand the basic issues in securing a server.
  • You have access to a broadband internet connection to the server.
  • Have a large amount of time to allocate for this project.
  • Excellent problem solving skills.
It is a good thing to know that each point describes you, but if not, then I suggest that you just read this information and continue on with web host help.If you want to host server than consider this point as a must to know:·       

  •                          Server Requirements

  •  Windows Hosting Information

  •   Linux Hosting Information

We will discuss each point one by one and let's see how informative it is for you:

Server Requirements

Most of these items should be easy enough, except for the Linux OS. It is possible to serve a web site using the Windows operating system, but many more security issues need to be addressed than with the Linux OS.

Windows Hosting Information


If you want to use windows to host your web site, then you should have a sound knowledge of both or either of two :
  • ·         Windows Web Server
  • ·         Windows 2003
The most important part of getting a windows server ready is to ensure that IIS/PWS (different name for different versions of Windows) is installed. Without installing this you will not be able to serve web documents to the public. If you are using Windows ME or XP Home Edition there is not a safe way to install IIS/PWS to your system. You will either have to use a different OS or install a different version of Windows.
  • ·         XP Pro
  • ·         Windows 98

Linux Hosting Information

You will get different types of Linux flavors to choose from. The most popular one are RedHat, Slackware, and Debian. Do not worry if you are new to Linux, many websites are out there that will teach you all the things to get started with Linux. Here are a few helpful websites:

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